Helping you feel calm, confident and connected by breaking cycles of People-Pleasing and Perfectionism
Down-to-Earth Women’s Therapy in New Jersey & New York
Does it feel like you can’t seem to shut off your brain?
Never feel “good enough”?
Always striving to meet expectations?
Bend over backwards to accommodate for others?
worry about and second-guess yourself on every little thing
feel like you never measure up and always letting people down
accommodate for the needs of others frequently
compare yourself to others and beat yourself up for all your flaws
feel disappointed when others don’t reciprocate your efforts in relationships
take on responsibilities of others that don’t belong to you
often edit yourself, take blame, and overly apologize
Underneath it all, you’re a kind and generous person, and you kind of like that about yourself. You’ve been craving connection and validation from others, because it lets you know that you’re ok. But wouldn’t it be so awesome to be able to see yourself the same way others do, without needing external validation?
Wouldn’t it feel so good to feel confident and worthy just by simply being your authentic self?
Hi I’m Heather
I believe therapy shouldn’t feel weird or uncomfortable. My approach is down-to-earth and non-judgmental. That means that I provide a safe and pressure-free space where you can be honest about yourself. If you want to incorporate your faith into sessions, great! But please know that I will never over-spiritualize* things.
My goal is that, as part of our work together, you embark on a journey through self-discovery, begin seeing your intrinsic value and worth, just the way you are, and just the way you were made.
making *everything* about faith, to the point that it’s difficult to ask questions, have doubts or consider different perspectives
attributing issues to being only spiritual in nature, dismissing any other components of the story
responding with spiritual answers that feel invalidating
Find a calm and peaceful self to bring into everyday life
Gain confidence in who you are and who you were made to be
Connect and engage with others more genuinely and effectively
Christian Counseling
Balance out your sessions by adding your Christian faith to them
Ready to get started?
~ Engage ~
Schedule a free consultation. During our call, we’ll figure out if we are a good fit.
~ Unpack ~
Meet with me each week to discover what’s getting in your way. Develop the tools you need to get around it.
~ Relief ~
Start thinking differently, creating change and rediscovering peace of mind.
You’re ready for change.
You’re ready to feel calm, confident and connected.
I’m here to help you do that.
Online Therapy in New Jersey & New York
No matter where you are in NJ or NY, I can meet you right where you are.
Sessions take place via convenient HIPAA-compliant video sessions.